This workbook contains a set of laboratory exercises, based on Minitab Version 11 for Windows, designed to support the text Understanding Data: Principles and Practice of Statistics by David Griffiths, W. Douglas Stirling and K. Laurence Weldon. Each exercise consists of a statistical investigation of one or two sets of data using the statistical package, Minitab, whose commands are introduced as they are needed. The emphasis is on statistical analysis, with Minitab merely being the tool selected to perform the mathematical calculations and generate the graphical displays. The questions asked are designed to enhance a student's ability to comment, reason, and report on their investigations, and can be carried out individually or by small groups of students working together. This text also provides weekly assignments that help instructors monitor student progress.
Minitab Companion Manual
Six Sigma and Minitab: A Complete Toolbox Guide for All Six Sigma Practitioners
This is available for download from
This student minitab guide is designed to accompany the introductory statistical text, Basic Practice of Statistics.