Explore the greatest minds in the history of science with some of the top scientific thinkers of today.
The story of science is the greatest adventure of the human mind over the last 2,500 years, as scientists have progressively advanced humankind's understanding and control of the universe. Yet for many, the scientific theories that underpin the modern world can be hard to grasp.
On Giants' Shoulders elucidates the milestones in the history of science, focusing on twelve individuals and their extraordinary breakthroughs. From a layman's perspective, acclaimed journalist and author Melvyn Bragg discusses the life, work, and legacy of these remarkable people with leading scientists and historians in each field, including Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Roger Penrose, Martin Rees, Oliver Sacks, John Gribbin, and Paul Davies.
Interviewed by journalist Melvyn Bragg, a selection of scientists discuss twelve of the pioneers of science history—and the fascinating personalities behind the discoveries.
What makes this book work so well is that Bragg is a fine journalist applying his skills as an outsider to blow away the pretensions and reveal some of the mechanics and motivations of what is still a remarkably closed world. —New Scientist
Each life is pored over in a brief but brilliant intellectual post mortem with the help of prominent contemporary scientists. . . Here are the paranoia, the blind alleys of research, the rivalry, and many collisions of intellectual heavyweights. . . On Giants' Shoulders holds delights for both scientist and layperson.—Kevin O'Sullivan, Irish Times
Each chapter has the pace and liveliness of a round table discussion. . . In a surprisingly brief space, one can thus taste a flavor of true debate as each contemporary scientist brings in their own angle.—Susan Greenfield, Independent on Sunday
Bragg explores the contribution made by great scientists, from Archimedes to Crick and Watson, to the development of our understanding of the world. What makes the result special is Bragg's unusual relationship to his subject. His gentle probing, and the selection of material, addresses exactly the questions about science and scientists that interest outsiders.—John Gribbin, The Independent
Ranging from the foundation of hydrostatics in the third century b.c. to the discovery of DNA's structure in our own time, this is an accessible, thought-provoking, and fascinating account of the seminal discoveries of the past and their originators. The book also illuminates the issues with which scientists are wrestling today, poised on their forerunners' shoulders to carry scientific inquiry into the next millennium.
This is an enchanting book, because it is a book produced by a clever man listening intently. . . Science is not, in truth, a daunting alien territory. But characteristically it seems to want to tell us the answers dogmatically, before we are sure what questions we would like to ask. On Giants' Shoulders asks just those kind of questions.—Lisa Jardine, The Times (London)
Nobody in the media has worked harder than Melvyn Bragg to promote science as a culture and scientists as creators. In a sea of indifference to the educational and cultural nature of science, he seems to be the only person with perception.—Professor Sir Harry Kroto, The Sunday Times (London)
... George W. 318 Neal , Lonnie G. 126 , 312 Nickerson , William J. 11 Nokes , Clarence 121 Page , Lionel F. 356 ... Wanda Anne A. 150 Small , Isadore , III 135 Smart , Brinay 106 Smith , Jonathan S. , II 312 Smith , Morris Leslie 312 ...
... 191.96 Don Garlits Zeuschel / Fuller / Don Moody Masters / Richter / Bob Haines 192.30 1963 7.77 Greer / Black / Don Prudhomme Masters / Richter / Bob Haines 196.92 1982 256.41 5.54 1983 257.14 5.39 1984 264.70 1985 Don APPENDIX 2 341.
Technology and the Visual Arts in the Nineteenth Century
Is scientific theory really just a matter of persuasion? Do scientists merely invent rather than discover? Do scientists merely invent rather than discover? Indeed, do brute facts of nature gain meaning only within a rhetorical context?
Billy , 144 , 145 , 150 , 154 Mitchell , Charles , 154 Mitman , Gregg , 121 Moffett , Adm . William , 154 Mönichkirchen , 121 Monroe Doctrine , 186 Monte Rosa , 43 Montesquieu , Baron de ( Charles de Secondat ) , 6 , 228 , 229 ...
現代文明最重要、最複雜、最難以述說的一段歷史。 左右人類命運的,不是神,而是科學大轉折! 史詩般壯闊、細膩交錯編織的科學發展史。 ...
C .帕莫( ) ,美國陸軍你戴爾電腦公司( )有什麼點子?菲利絲.麥康奈爾( ) ,如果這些辦法都無效,怎麼辦?接下來怎麼辦?雪莉.賈瑞特( ) ,專業講師及作家我們如何贏得這個顧客的喝采?艾薇.馬修( ) ,考克斯傳播公司( )人力資源公司( )你今天要如何影響組織, ...
恒星照相从 1857年由邦德开始实验以后,在60年代由英国天文爱好者沃伦·德拉鲁(公元1815~1889年)和美国的刘易斯·莫里斯·拉瑟弗德(公元1816~1892年)继续发展着,他们拍到了星团(如昴星团)的优秀照片。但是首先拍得一大批恒星照片的天文学家当推美国的杰.
當時已經以格林威治的皇家天文臺為中心。是無所不通的虎克所計畫的;當時他與雷恩爵士在大火( Great Fire )之後再建倫敦。航海者離岸很遠時,要定出自己的位置(經、緯度) ,就可以把他對星星的讀數與格林威治的讀數比較。
Renaissance diplomat and part-time spy, William Hakluyt was also England's first serious geographer, gathering together a wealth of accounts about the wide-ranging travels and discoveries of the sixteenth-century English.