Perfected over three editions and more than forty years, this field- and classroom-tested reference: * Uses the method of maximum likelihood to a large extent to ensure reasonable, and in some cases optimal procedures. * Treats all the basic and important topics in multivariate statistics. * Adds two new chapters, along with a number of new sections. * Provides the most methodical, up-to-date information on MV statistics available.
Market_Desc: Designed primarily as a text for a two-semester course in multivariate statisticsSpecial Features: · Incorporates the advice and comments of the readers of the first two editions as well...
Friedl, A., Padouvas, E., Rotter, H., Varmuza, K.: Anal. Chim. Acta 544, 2005, 191–198. Prediction of heating values of biomass fuel from elemental composition. Furnival, G. M., Wilson, R. W.: Technometrics 16, 1974, 499–511.
This book provides an introduction to the analysis of multivariate data.It describes multivariate probability distributions, the preliminary analysisof a large -scale set of data, princ iple component and factor analysis, traditional normal ...
This classic book provides the much needed conceptual explanations of advanced computer-based multivariate data analysis techniques: correlation and regression analysis, factor analysis, discrimination analysis, cluster analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, perceptual mapping,...
We first find the convex hull of the data (i.e., the observations defining the convex hull) using the following R code: R> (hull with(USairpollution, ...
Descriptive statistics; Probability; Statistica inference; Statistical methods for other problems.
An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analys Is
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This text was developed over many years by the author, John Marden, while teaching in the Department of Statistics, University of Illinoisat Urbana-Champaign.
The major update with this edition is that R code has been included for each of the analyses described, although in practice any standard statistical package can be used. The original idea with this book still applies.