Known for its student-friendly approach, the revision of this best-selling book thoroughly covers the fundamentals of circuit theory from both a time domain and frequency domain point of view. The third edition of this comprehensive text has been fully updated and modernized to reflect current approaches to the course. It includes a greater emphasis on design, SPICE, and op amps, so as to better reflect the recent developments in the study of linear circuits.
This text provides the student with a solid foundation for future studies in any branch of electrical engineering. It is appropriate for sophomore-level courses in Introductory Circuit Analysis.
It deals with the fundamentals of electric circuits, their components and the mathematical tools used to represent and analyze electrical circuits. This text guides students to analyze and build simple electric circuits.
This book is designed as an introductory course for undergraduate students, in Electrical and Electronic, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Chemical and Petroleum engineering, who need fundamental knowledge of electrical circuits.
Electric Circuit Analysis
By covering topics such as resistive circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, equivalent sub-circuits, and energy storage, this book distinguishes itself as the perfect aid for any student taking a circuit analysis course.
Furthermore, the objective of this book is to approach circuit analysis by developing a sound understanding of fundamentals and a problem-solving methodology that encourages critical thinking.
This textbook explains the fundamentals of electric circuits and uses the transfer function as a tool to analyze circuits, systems, and filters.
This study guide is designed for students taking courses in electrical circuit analysis.
* Key equations are followed by a brief explanation to increase student comprehension of important mathematical concepts. * Modern op amp is presented as a versatile linear circuit element. *...
This study guide is designed for students taking courses in electrical circuit analysis.
A concise and original presentation of the fundamentals for ‘new to the subject’ electrical engineers This book has been written for students on electrical engineering courses who don’t necessarily possess prior knowledge of ...