You will notice a new name for this popular, well-respected text, formerly known as Contemporary Marketing Research. Marketing Research: The Impact of the Internet reflects the dramatic changes impacting the way marketing research is conducted in the new millennium. As with previous editions, Marketing Research: The Impact of the Internet, continues its unique, user-of-research approach. Realizing that most students won't decide to become marketing researchers, the authors focus on teaching students how to properly analyze and implement marketing research data. The Impact of the Internet As a result, this new edition actively integrates technology in student exercises, activities, and special feature boxes, in conjunction with a dynamic web site providing valuable teaching and learning resources, New to this Edition Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive Internet based marketing research coverage has been added to the new edition. This feature provides balanced insight into this critically important aspect of marketing research. WeSurveyor CD-ROM: Our exclusive partnership with Web-Surveyor,, ensures student familiarization with the basics of Internet based surveys. Packaged free with each new text, this CD greatly enhances student learning by providing sample surveys, response scales, question libraries, and survey results that correspond to specific case studies and end-of-chapter exercises. Instructors gain complimentary access to the professional version of WebSurveyor for consulting and research purposes. Two New Cases: Comprehensive cases on Lufthansa Airlines and Discover Card have been added to this new edition, while the Heritage restaurant case has been moved to the web site.