Special Events: Proven Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising

Special Events: Proven Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising
Special Events
Business & Economics
John Wiley & Sons
Alan L. Wendroff


As the philosopher Martin Buber wrote, "All real living ismeeting." People like to get together. That?s why special eventscan often work so much better for nonprofit organizations thanother, less social types of fundraising programs. From red-carpetgalas to Saturday afternoon street fairs, special events offernonprofits an unparalleled opportunity to both raise money and makefriends. Yet for all the benefits—and they aregreat—inexperience and bad planning can make these eventsmore trouble—and a greater financial drain—than theyare worth. Special Events: Proven Strategies for NonprofitFundraising, Second Edition is the complete guide to makingyour next nonprofit event the rousing success it can be. Packedwith author and development professional Alan Wendroff's realisticinsights and pointers, this text provides a logical andcomprehensive outline of event planning, with a special emphasis onfitting these events into the larger framework of the nonprofit?sorganizational goals. Inside you?ll find such helpful tools as: Seven goals for a successful event The Master Event Timetable (METT), a proven organizational toolthat provides step-by-step guidance through the entire eventprocess A case study explaining in understandable detail how toimplement the advice and methods outlined An accompanying CD that includes sample timelines, worksheets,checklists, budgets, writing examples, decision tables, andcontracts From choosing the right event to the best way of expressingthanks afterwards, Special Events covers all aspects ofproducing a winning fundraiser for your organization. In additionto the brass tacks of managing logistics, the coverage includesthoughtful discussions on how to take full advantage of thenetworking, volunteer recruitment, public relations, andmotivational opportunities your special event can provide. Thisupdated Second Edition features new information in theseareas, plus an entirely new chapter on using the Internet for eventplanning. With the needs of nonprofit organizations only growing asdonations shrink, special events become more and more vital insustaining the life of these organizations. Nonprofit lay leaders,professionals, and staff, as well as marketing professionals andevent planners who work with nonprofits, will all find inSpecial Events, Second Edition a clearly drawn road mapleading to fundraising success.

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