ERISA: A Comprehensive Guide

ERISA: A Comprehensive Guide
Law / Litigation
Wiley Law Publications
Martin Wald, David E. Kenty


The easy way to score high on the PANCE and PANRE

"Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, Premier Edition" offers test-taking strategies for passing both the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) and the Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam (PANRE). It also offers information on becoming a certified Physician Assistant (PA) and the potential positions within this in-demand career field.

"Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies" provides you with the information you need to ace this demanding exam and begin your career in one of the fastest growing segments of healthcare.Offers an overview of test organization and scoringContent review with practice tests for each section of the examFive full-length practice testsAn interactive CD includes 3 of the 5 practice tests'including one PANRE'a digital slide slow featuring 20 plus images, and more than 300 flashcards covering the 13 official categories of the PANCE and PANRE

"Physician Assistant Exam For Dummies, Premier Edition" serves as a valuable, must-have resource, desk reference, and study guide for those preparing for either the PANCE or the PANRE.

CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.

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