This four-volume text features contributions from over 300 researchers and clinicians. Volumes 1, 2 and 3 explore the developmental stages and syndromes of infancy and preschool, grade school and adolescence. Each volume addresses the normal development during each period, the theoretical and clinical perspectives and the clinical syndromes most commonly associated with it. Volume 4 explores the varieties of development and the impact of psychosocial, medical, and foreign cultural factors on development of all three age groups.
Although often unaware of the problem at onset, children who stutter eventually may try to decrease the problem by changing ... problems develop after a period of normal development, typically as a result of a neurological or medical ...
A Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Professionals Eric P. Hazen, Mark A. Goldstein, Myrna Chandler Goldstein. Shaffer, D., P. Fisher, M. Dulcan, M. Davies, J. Piacentini, M. Schwab-Stone, B. Lahey, K. Bourdon, P. Jensen, H. Bird, ...
The Handbook of Mental Health Interventions in Children and Adolescents is an essential guide for mental healthcare professionals to the theory and practice of mental health treatment for children up...
Renowned authorities in their respective fields present the most up-to-date coverage of all that is known regarding child and adolescent psychiatry.
Bringing together leading authorities, this volume synthesizes the breadth of current research on child and adolescent treatment into a practical handbook for students and clinicians.
The Handbook of Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, and Families cogently analyzes the issues and provides the answers, from current issues and emerging therapeutic trends to new avenues of treatment.
Chichester: Wiley Mironova, P., Rhodes, A. E., Bethell, J., Tonmyr, L., Boyle, M., Wekerle, C., . . . Leslie, B. (2011). Childhood physical abuse and suicide-related behaviour: A systematic review. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, ...
Renowned authorities in their respective fields present the most up-to-date coverage of all that is known regarding child and adolescent psychiatry.
This volume examines not only the psychological and genetic factors underlying dysfunction, it also explores the critical roles that family members, peers, and the larger community play in an adolescent’s life.
The future holds great hope as well as tremendous challenges for children's mental health. This important work is a must for all professionals who work with children and adolescents and wish to advance the progress of care.