The authors provide practical information that can be used by all construction industry professionals, as well as detailed analyses of California construction law-both as codified in the statutes & as expressed by California courts. The topics in the book are organized in the same manner as they would actually arise in a construction project. First, it deals with pre-construction issues-licensing, bidding, & the formation of the construction contract. Then it discusses what happens when things go wrong-breach of contract by the owner and/or the contractor. An in-depth analysis is provided with regard to claims involving delay, disruption, & acceleration. Several chapters are then devoted to statutory remedies-mechanics' liens, stop notices, & bonds both on public & private works. Finally, coverage is provided on other issues & subjects involving the construction industry, including expanding liability, construction defect issues, bankruptcy, & alternative dispute resolution.
California Construction Law
California Construction Law Manual
California Construction Law, 1990
California Construction Law: Cumulative Supplement
California Construction Law Manual
California Construction Law
Construction Law handbook for California contractors, explaining law on important aspects of construction industry statutes, rules, and regulations
California Construction Law: Cummulative Supplement
California Construction Law Manual
California Construction Law Digests