Reports from the fifth workshop for investigators carrying out prospective longitudinal studies on children and young adults with sex chromosome anomalies are presented. Part I updates the studies and provides an unbiased summary of the prognosis for a fetus or newborn diagnosed with a sex chromosome anomaly. Part II deals with clinical and therapeutic observations and provides the first critical attempt at evaluating various therapeutic modes which may be useful for patients with the 45,X and 47,XXY karyotypes. There is also critical information concerning patients with Turner and Klinefelter syndromes. The book, the result of more than 20 years of international effort, will be of value to professionals who treat patients with sex chromosome anomalies and their families as well as to those who assist couples in making informed choices about pregnancy.
Overview of behavioral development in individuals with neonatally identified X and Y aneup.
Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy: Prospective Studies on Children
Children with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy: Follow-up Studies : Proceedings of a Conference Held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Children with Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy Follow Up Studies Bd Oas18#4
This comprehensive guide to X and Y chromosome aneuploidy is written in lay language for affected individuals and their families, providing an authoritative volume that explains X and Y chromosome variations in clear and accurate terms.
Ratcliffe, S. G., Tierney, I., Nsahaho, J., Smith, L., Springbett, A., & Callan, S. (1982). The Edinburgh study of growth and development of children with sex chromosome abnormalities. Birth Defects: Original Articles Series, 18, 41–60.
The purpose of this manual is to provide an educational genetics resource for individuals, families, and health professionals in the New York - Mid-Atlantic region and increase awareness of specialty care in genetics.
Periquito I, Carrusca C, Morgado J, Robalo B, Pereira C, de Lurdes Sampaio M. Familial Turner syndrome: The importance of information. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 29: 617–620, 2016. Perrin A, Douet-Guilbert N, Le Bris MJ, et al.
Cohen Jr. , M. M. ( 1987 ) . The elephant man did not have neurofibromatosis . Proceedings of the Greenwood Genetic Center 6 : 187–92 . Cohen Jr. , M. M. ( 1995 ) . Craniosynostoses : phenotypic / molecular correlations .
The topic of aneuploidy has received little attention and it is the purpose of this Volume to establish a scientific basis for assessing health risks posed by environ mental exposures to aneuploidy-inducing chemicals.