Gets you quickly up and running with the full range of powerful statistical experimental design, modeling, and optimization techniques
Coauthored by widely recognized experts in the fields of quality control and the design of experiments, this book is a practical guide to Response Surface Methodology (RSM)—the process of identifying and fitting an appropriate response surface model from experimental data. While in the opening chapters the authors lay down the basic conceptual groundwork preliminary to a working understanding of the methods described, the bulk of the book is devoted to providing students and professionals with clear, step-by-step guidance on the use of powerful statistical and empirical modeling techniques that have proven their efficacy in industry. Throughout, numerous real-world examples help illuminate critical points covered, and chapter-end problems help you to gauge your command of the concepts and procedures described. Important topics covered include:
Providing clear, hands-on guidance to the application of some of today's most useful techniques, Response Surface Methodology is an essential working resource for process development and quality engineering professionals, engineering designers, product formulators, engineers, chemists, and all those whose professional activities involve the design of experiments.
Mr. NUALART D. (86) Barcelone (Espagne) Mme PARK S. (87) Austin (U.S.A.) Ht. PEREZ (87) Grenade (Espagne) Mme PERRIN Y. (85-87) Clermont II Mr. PETRITIS D. (86) Lausanne (Suisse) Mme PICARD D. (86-87) Paris VI Mr. PICARD J. (85-86-87) ...
Special Features: --Each module chapter contains a review of the most important material from previous chapters --Each unit provides a clear, nonstatistical explanation of any symbols appearing in the formulas for that chapter.
本书系统地讲述了统计学有关数据收集、数据整理和数据分析的基本方法。全书共8个任务,分别是认识统计、数据收集、数据整理与显示、数据特征的描述、抽样估计、统计指数、 ...
(美)弗雷(Bruce Frey)著, 邹澍译. 6.7 制随想我们的心思想本漫边际,人们认为这创造不可预测的随机路。你可提周围人在你希的事物上的,利用这个误来测周围人的想。我们对人毛悚然的场面并不陌生,加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allen Poe)在《莫格街谋杀》(Murders in ...
* Do your students need to organize and summarize data for term projects? Will they need to perform these tasks on the job? This book gives them thorough preparation. *...
人类的智慧使文明不断地从陈旧桎梏中破壳而出,21 世纪是大数据的时代,以数字形态存储的数据中蕴藏着巨大的信息和智慧,正如人们早已对“啤酒和尿不湿”的故事耳熟能详,在如今大数据的浪潮之下,数据分析和数据挖掘技术作为大数据的核心技术基础,其理论和应用价值不言而喻。本书从实际应用的角度,深入浅出地介绍了数据分析和数据挖掘的基本概念和典型技术,以案例的形式进行讲授,并配以基于R语言的实验仿真,帮助读者了解数据挖掘的基本理论体系、掌握数据分析和数据挖掘的基本方法。本书共8章
This applied book for engineers and scientists, written in a non-theoretical manner, focuses on underlying principles that are important in a wide range of disciplines. It emphasizes...
Awarded Outstanding Academic Book by CHOICE magazine in its first edition, FORECASTING, TIME SERIES, AND REGRESSION: AN APPLIED APPROACH now appears in a fourth edition that illustrates the vital importance...
Statistics education as proposed in this framework can promote the must-have competencies for graduates to thrive in the modern world.
ONS Productivity Handbook: a Statistical Overview and Guide examines the importance and relevance of economic productivity and serves as a reference on the subject. Areas covered include productivity analysis within...