A complete guide to Steidlmayer's new approach to markets, especially the futures markets. Part I provides background information based on Steidlmayer's experiences as a commodities trader, showing how he developed his ideas and learned to apply them to futures trading. Part II outlines his theory of markets, explains factors that determine prices, and describes the Market Profile and Liquidity Data Bank systems. Part III provides detailed applications, showing how to read market activity, recognize both fundamental and technical factors underlying price movements, and make sound investment and trading decisions.
Therefore research, Kuhn writes, is not about discovering new truths, but rather “a strenuous and devoted attempt” to force new data into accepted conceptual boxes. In short, change threatens the very terms with which we identify who we ...
Markets and Market Logic
You will see this book will change all of that. This book is not only about market profile trade setups and trading strategies, because jumping directly on to the setups wont help you improve your trading.
The ability to record price information according to time has unleashed huge amounts of useful market information. Mind Over Markets, Updated Edition will show you how to profitably put this information to work for you.
This is a COLOR PRINT version of the book. Institutions move and manipulate the markets. Order Flow allows you to track the institutions and trade along with them!
Test your understanding and knowledge with interactive self-tests.PLUS, you will get the very first look at the Keppler Volume Tracking Indicator (KVT), based on Dr. Keppler's extensive research studies on volume patterns and volume ...
Divided into three comprehensive parts, Trade What You See: Reveals how to identify trending conditions and discusses techniques for entering in the direction of the trend Presents proven patterns that range from classical technical ...
These books are much more than historical documents. The transcripts from the conferences were carefully edited for clarity, perspective and context. Materials were included from subsequent interviews with the panelists and speakers.
The Fisher transform, when applied to indicators, provides razor-sharp buy and sell signals. To a trader, Trend Modes and Cycle Modes are synonymous. FIGURE 1.9 The Fisher Transform of Normalized Prices Has Very Sharp Turning Points ...
This is the first book that explains intensive, in-depth concepts of intraday trading along with tailor-made systems for Indian market conditions.