This guidebook defines current actions and situations that are subjecting lenders to claims. It addresses lender defenses and evaluates the remedies available under common law tort, contract law, federal bankruptcy laws and the RICO act.
The work also includes as well tables of state and federal cases and statutes, rules and regulations. This brand new edition has been completely revised, reorganized and updated.
The Law of Lender Liability
... a false statement or failure to disclose ( scienter ) ; ( 3 ) intent by the maker of the false statement or person failing to disclose to induce action or inaction by the recipient ; 12.1 13 Hoffman v . Stamper , 155 Md . App . 247 ...
5 See the differing approaches in England, under s 29(1) of the Insolvency Act 1986, and Scotland, under s 462(1) of the ... in Scotland (2nd edn, 2005); and ]B St Clair and ]E Drummond Young, The Law of Corporate Insolvency in Scotland ...
The Law of Lender Liability: Cumulative Supplement
The Law of Lender Liability
Good Faith and Lender Liability: Toward a Unified Theory
Lender Liability: How to Protect Yourself Against Unwarranted Suits
Lender Liability Under Hazardous Waste Laws: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Policy Research and Insurance of the Committee on Banking,...
This comprehensive book begins with a consideration of the nature of the general banker-customer relationship, the obligations it poses and the issues relating to the commencement of the banking relationship.