He had enormous respect for successful businessmen, the more so as their manner matched the layman's expectations; if he did not equally admire politicians he accorded them a layman's deference in what he took to be their line of work.
This book traces back to a conversation with Paul Peterson during the spring of 1996. For his introductory American politics textbook, Paul wanted a figure that showed the number of executive agreements issued by presidents over time.
Theories and Dilemmas John P. Burke. many of whom had their salaries paid through vacant departmental positions even though they worked at the White House and reported directly to FDR. In 1936, he created the Brownlow Committee to ...
The Law of the Executive Branch: Presidential Power places the law of the executive branch firmly in the context of constitutional language, framers' intent, and more than two centuries of practice.
Yet the same rules must apply to all presidents, those whose abuses of power we fear as well as those whose exercises of power we applaud. This book is about what constitutional law tells us about presidential power and its limits.
Emmet J. Hughes, The Living Presidency (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1973), pp. 27-29. 10. DW. Brogan, introduction to The American Presidency, by Clinton Rossiter, (New York: Time'Life Books, Time Reading Program Special Edition, 1960), ...
A legal examination of the constituitonal powers granted to U.S. Presidents.
... 253 , 259 , 263 , 276 , 277 Fitzpatrick , Edward , 116 Fix , Michael , 253 Fleisher , Richard , 249 Fleishman , Joel L. , 232 , 236 , 248 , 249 Fletcher , Michael A. , 275 Flexner , James Thomas , 237 ner , David , Jr. , 247 Foley ...
In Presidential Power and the American Political System, author Frank M. Sorrentino analyzes the president’s ability to influence and prevail over these powerful bureaus.
A notable aspect of this volume's analysis is the transformed institution of the presidency in the wake of the impeachment hearings of the country's last twentieth-century president, Bill Clinton.