Kaya , H. K. and Tanada , Y. , Properties of a viral factor toxic to the parasitoid , Apanteles militaris , J. Insect . ... J. , Hughes , K. M. , Dunn , P. H. , and Hall , I. H. , A granulosis virus disease of the western grape leaf ...
DISCUSSION The LPS that is normally present on the surface of S. typhimurium apparently acts as a partial barrier to the ... of the earlier work on this project , and to J. R. Roth and P. E. Hartman for helpful discussions and strains .
Vail , P. V. , Knell , J. D. , Summers , M. D. , and Cowan , D. K. , In vivo infectivity of baculovirus isolates , variants , and natural recombinants in alternate hosts , Environ . Entomol . , 11 , 1187 , 1982 . 81.
يحظى كتاب (علم الأحياء) منذ طبعته الأولى عام 1982 بنجاحٍ منقطع النظير بين المختصين والأكاديميين، ليصبح اليوم في طبعته الثامنة المرجع ...
Principles of Medical Biochemistry
This book provides the most up-to-date information available to help you better understand and identify cofactors and potential cofactors for additional study of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This volume is...
For one- or two-term courses in Genetics in the departments of Biology, Zoology, Agriculture or Health Science. This text is known for its clear writing style, emphasis on concepts, visual...
This third edition of Human Molecular Genetics continues to provide a clear introduction to this complex and fast moving field. Now updated and revised throughout, the material covered...
This publication provides an update on the current status of gene maps in different livestock and pet/companion animal species. The findings summarized in species specific commentaries and original articles testify...
A brief booklet that explains in accessible language what readers need to understand about The Human Genome Project (HGP). This reference tool presents the background, findings, scientific and medical applications,...