Study Guide to accompany Financial Institutions, Markets and Money, 9th Edition

Study Guide to accompany Financial Institutions, Markets and Money, 9th Edition
Business & Economics
David S. Kidwell, David W. Blackwell, David A. Whidbee


Work more effectively and gauge your progress as you go along! This Study Guide is designed to accompany Kidwell’s Financial Institutions, Markets & Money, 9th Edition. It contains: CHAPTER OVERVIEW AND LEARNING OBJECTIVES – Provides the student with an overall look at the chapter, its relationship to other chapters, and identifies specific learning objectives. CAREER PLANNING NOTE – Each chapter considers a topic related to general career planning concepts and specific career opportunities in the financial services industry. READING THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – A number of chapters have short essays related to the effective reading and use of The Wall Street Journal. Specific tables and sections that pertain to specific chapters, such as futures and options, are discussed in the appropriate chapters. TOPIC OUTLINE AND KEY TERMS – Provides a short-sentence outline of each chapter and a definition of all key terms and concepts. SAMPLE TEST QUESTIONS – Includes ten each of completion, true-false, and multiple-choice questions to test the student's comprehension of text concepts and terms. PROBLEMS – Where applicable, problems and other analytical questions are presented for students. ANNOTATED SOLUTIONS TO ALL QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS – Annotated solutions provide reasoning and analysis and are as important to student learning as are the questions. Ever wonder how interest rates are determined? Would you like to know how to read actual financial data? Want to know what makes the financial sector really tick? You’ll find answers to these questions and more in Kidwell, Blackwell, Whidbee, and Peterson’s Ninth Edition of Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money. Featuring a strong emphasis on fundamental concepts and how things really work in a market context, these four expert authors present a balanced, up-to-date overview of the U.S. financial system and its primary institutions and markets, coupled with an introduction to international markets.

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