Buying Real Estate Without Cash or Credit

Buying Real Estate Without Cash or Credit
Business & Economics
John Wiley & Sons
David Finkel, Peter Conti


FREE $1,595 Quick-Start Real Estate Success Program! See page 217for details. Buy Real Estate Without Cash or Credit! Imagine having two multi-millionaires take you by the hand andpersonally mentor you to get started making big money investing inreal estate. That's exactly the step-by-step coaching you'll get inBuying Real Estate Without Cash or Credit, as Peter Conti and DavidFinkel, two of the nation's leading real estate experts, walk youthrough the fastest and easiest ways for you to launch yourinvesting business. You'll learn the same secrets, strategies, and organized actionplans that their past mentorship students have used over the lastdecade to make millions. Best of all, you'll learn exactly how todo it without cash or credit! This book will show you the fastest way to succeed investing inreal estate--step-by-step, action-by-action,strategy-by-strategy. You'll learn: * The 5 fastest ways to close your first deal in 30 days orless! * 21 scripts to negotiate profitable win-win deals * The 6 best sources to fund your "nothing down" deals * 7 ways to maximize your cash when investing "This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to live the Americandream but thinks they can't invest in real estate for lack of cashor credit. Conti and Finkel make it simple to understand and easyto achieve." --Attorney William Bronchick, coauthor of the bestselling bookFlipping Properties "David and Peter have done it again! They've taken their provenmillionaire-making real estate program and broken it down intoeasy-to-use steps that anyone can use. This book will tell you howyou don't need cash or credit to succeed in real estateinvesting." --Diane Kennedy, CPA/Tax Strategist, coauthor of The Insider'sGuide to Real Estate Investing Loopholes

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