Visual Basic .NET has changed dramatically from its predecessor, and this book shows developers how to build traditional console applications, ASP.NET applications, XML Web Services, and more The top-notch author team shares their years of experience in VB programming and helps readers take their skills to new heights Addresses issues such as security, data access (ADO.NET), and the latest Visual Studio .NET IDE Explores Common Language Runtime, variables and data types, object syntax, inheritance and interfaces, Windows forms, error handling and debugging, XML, namespaces, and advanced features of the latest version of ASP.NET
Lead Editor: Ewan Buckingham Technical Reviewer: Don Reamey Editorial Board: Steve Anglin, Ewan Buckingham, Gary Cornell, Jason Gilmore, Jonathan Gennick, Jonathan Hassell, James Huddleston, Chris Mills, Matthew Moodie, ...
Therefore, the most important factor for creating a secure application architecture and design lies in a good understanding of environmental factors such as users, entry points, and potential possible threats with points of attack.
Therefore, the most important factor for creating a secure application architecture and design lies in a good understanding of environmental factors such as users, entry points, and potential possible threats with points of attack.
... Professional The ToolStrip uses a common instance of the ToolStripProfessionalRenderer. System The ToolStrip uses a common instance of the ToolStripSystemRenderer. Custom The rendering work is performed by the renderer set in the ...
NET application is the Russian language in the country of Russia. In addition to setting the culture at either the server-wide or the application-wide level, another option is to set the culture at the page level.
Implementing WCF Services At the time of writing WCF is still at Beta 2 thus the installation process may differ at a ... Implementing WinFX Service Select WinFX Service under Templates, 557 The Complete Reference to Professional SOA ...
This comprehensive book offers you everything you’ll need to make the transition to the newest version of the world’s most popular programming language. You’ll get detailed information on how to...
This section looks at the ways Visual Studio 2005 helps you define these data connections from a visual standpoint. If you want to investigate further how to manage the connections in code, please take a look at Professional ADO.NET 2: ...
It is estimated that a large number of them will be following the next path to the latest edition of the language from previous versions (VB.NET 1.1 and VB6 especially). This book is well placed to meet their needs.
Select employee to delete Dim filt As String = _ "firstname = 'Roy' " _ & "and " _ & "lastname = 'Beatty' " ' ' Delete employee from data table For Each row As DataRow In dt.Select(filt) row.Delete() Next Finally, you set the data ...