Peer Relationships in Child Development

Peer Relationships in Child Development
Psychology / General
Gary W. Ladd, Thomas J. Berndt


Contemporary Topics in Developmental Psychology Edited by Nancy Eisenberg Prominent developmentalists, biologists, social psychologists, and clinical psychologists discuss a broad range of developmental issues, as well as issues that are interrelated with social and clinical psychology. Separate sections are devoted to motor development and self-regulation, cognitive and perceptual development, social development, development of self worth, the social context, and life cycle development. The clinical implications of developmental research are discussed, and principles from social psychology are applied to an understanding of the effectiveness of various childrearing practices, the formation of social values, and the development of cognition related to self-perceptions and achievement. 1987 (0 471 82913-7) 464 pp. Moral Development Through Social Interaction Edited by William M. Kurtine and Jacob L. Gerwirtz Well-known theorists and researchers in the field present a state-of-the-art overview of current theory and research into the influence of social interaction among young people upon their moral development. The five parts of the book include contributions representative of a developmental process perspective, a developmental-constructivist perspective, a social-constructivist perspective, an interpretive/hermeneutic perspective, and a social process perspective. 1987 (0 471 62567-1) 362 pp. The Psychology of Underachievement Differential Diagnosis and Differential Treatment Harvey R Mandel and Sander I. Marcus This important work provides an overall perspective on the relationship between personality and underachievement, and offers precise descriptions of the different types of underachievers along with clear guidelines on how to diagnose each one. It is the first book to tackle the problem solely from the professional’s point of view, using DSM-III-R categories as a point of departure for exploring diagnostic and remedial issues for five very different types of underachievers, 1988 (0 471 84855-7) 397 pp.

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