This book presents general statistics with an emphasis on statistical inference. After covering descriptive statistics, the text covers probability, distributions, statistical inference, Z tests, T-tests, chi square tests, regression, correlation ANOVA (analysis of variance), analysis of categorical data and non- parametric statistics.
Key Features of the Fourth Edition * Chapter 4, Probability, is now optional * Ten new smaller data sets, in addition to the hallmark Framingham Heart Study Data * Streamlined!
General Censuses and Vital Statistics in the Americas: An Annotated Bibliography of the Historical Censuses and Current Vital Statistics of...
This book offers an introduction to the Bayesian approach to statistical inference, with a focus on nonparametric and distribution-free methods.
European Communities — Commission Basic statistics of the Community – 27th edition Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 1990 – 304 pp . – 10 . 5 x 14 . 8 cm Theme 1 : General statistics ( midnight ...
This book juxtaposes the two approaches by presenting a traditional approach in one chapter, followed by the same analysis demonstrated using GLM.