The realms of biochemistry, nutrition, physiology and psychology are made accessible to the athlete in a text which has been written for anyone wishing information on the scientific basis of athletic training and performance. The authors have produced an up-to-date and readily comprehensible work that should appeal to athletes at any stage of their careers, as well as coaches and physicians. It is also intended to help students of sports science, in particular those who do not have a strong background in science. Features include high carbohydrate recipe suggestions for athletes, practical training schedules and a comprehensive bibliography.
奧運選手為何跑得比你快? 選手訓練時,在訓練什麼? 跑步,可不是把腿部肌力練強健這麼簡單! 跑步,其實是身體攝取了氧,再將之轉換成能量 供應肌肉所爆發出向前衝刺的速度 ...
Katherine Switzer ran the Boston Marathon in 1967 where she was attacked by one of the event's directors who wanted to eject her from the all-male race. She fought off...
Offers runners advice on psychological training, discusses relaxation techniques, and explains how to develop a positive attitude, improve one's self-confidence, and cope with the pressures of success.
"It's an astonishing sight, I must say: the Ethiopian, Abebe Bikila, is racing barefoot."--BBC Radio Olympic commentary, Rome, 1960Abebe Bikila was the first black African to win an Olympic gold...
Advocating a regimin of long slow distance running for health, Dr. Mollen tells beginning and veteran joggers how to develop a running program, choose proper equipment, and cope with injuries
■獲選「第36次中小學生優良課外讀物評選推介活動」叢書工具書類【感動推薦】 索南東珠(知名體適能教練)|飛小魚(馬拉松作家)|陳彥博(極地超馬運動員) 張鈞甯(藝人)|張嘉哲(田徑馬拉松國手)|譚艾珍(媽媽、知名演員)|關家良一(日本超馬名將) 【路跑團體 Amazing Crew 成員 一致力挺】 Andy(勘履者執行長)|Elmo(Juksy線上潮流雜誌創意總監)|Ken(單車團體nabiis創辦人) Mr.Q(MJF品牌主理人)|馬克媽媽(My Dog我の狗雜誌總編)|徐裴翊(三立新聞主播) 連我都能跑了,妳一定也可以!——歐陽 靖 Gin Oy RUN! GIRLS RUN! 在開始跑步之前,我以為自己什麼事都做不到, 直到我超越了 3 公里、5 公里、10 公里、21 公里、又一個 21 公里、42 公里…… 我才發現,自己原來有這麼大的力量。 跑步改變了我,我還在跑著。 ...
This richly illustrated work presents innovative training concepts based on recent scientific research and extensive knowledge of the real-world training. It provides running trainers, physiotherapists and physical exercise teachers with...
Running For Dummies is for everyone with a desire to run. If you’re a reforming couch potato, it helps ease you into a healthier lifestyle. If you have Olympic aspirations,...