A comprehensive environmental understanding is essential for all professionals managing the water cycle, but nowhere more so than in river management. It has become a multi-disciplinary profession where concern for the ecological consequences underpins management decisions. This study addresses the underlying ecological issues in the six major operational functions of river management: water quantity; water quality; fisheries; recreation; conservation; and planning.
Touching all parts of the natural environment and nearly all aspects of human culture, streams and rivers act as centres of organization within landscapes. They provide natural resources such as...
An Ecological Basis for Water Resource Management
Ecological Basis for Water Resource Management
In Rivers for Life, leading water experts Sandra Postel and Brian Richter explain why restoring and preserving more natural river flows are key to sustaining freshwater biodiversity and healthy river systems, and describe innovative ...
This book offers a unique collection of inter- and multidisciplinary studies on river systems.
This book explores current exploitation practices, and the ecological basis and consequences of that exploitation.
Heterogeneity, Ecosystems, and Biodiversity Steward Pickett, Richard S. Ostfeld, Moshe Shachak, Gene E. Likens. Scott, J. M., B. Csuti, J. D. Jacobi, ... Sears, P. B. 1935. Deserts on the march. Reprinted 1988, Island Press, Washington, ...
This book contains 11 papers that review the extant information about the Colorado River from an ecosystem perspective and serve as the basis for discussion of the use of ecosystem/earth science information for river management and dam ...
The book highlights current challenges and potential solutions, helping define the future direction for environmental water management.
In line with these goals, the Hudson River ecosystem provided the basis for the first major retrospective study undertaken by the ERC.