Join the hunt for one of the most sought-after mushroom marvels---the elusive morel
"Michael Kuo offers an engaging survey of a diverse group of fungi whose fruiting bodies are among the most prized edible mushrooms. Morels is a lavishly illustrated poem that will be relished by amateur and professional mycologists alike."
---Nicholas P. Money, author of Mr. Bloomfield's Orchard: The Mysterious World of Mushrooms, Molds, and Mycologists
Filled to the brim with information about the science and sport of finding, identifying, and savoring these world-renowned fungi, Morels is a far-ranging, reader-friendly book about one of America's most popular and passionately pursued outdoor activities.
Author Michael Kuo brings years of morel-hunting experience to Morels, delivering detailed information in an engaging, readable style to seasoned morel hunters and beginners alike.
Morels includes extensive information on the art of hunting morels and on current scientific knowledge regarding these delectable fungi. In addition, Kuo compiles easy-to-understand information on the latest scientific research into morels, from studies into how they grow to DNA-based classification of species.
With over two hundred color photographs.
Owing to the extraordinary geological and climatic variety, Scotland boasts a great diversity of over a thousand indigenous plants, and a multitude of these would make a welcome addition to any Scottish garden.
《驯悍记》( 1592 ) ,威廉·莎士比亚 洋葱改变了历史的进程吗?当然没有。不过通过对全世界的植物进行分类,不起眼的洋葱们还是给科学界带来了一些泪水涟涟的启示,甚至还给一种老套的法国人形象——头带贝雷帽,身穿条纹衫,骑着一辆车把上挂一串洋葱的自行车—— ...
地方名: CITRUS (「柑橘類」,拉丁語) ; TURUN ; LIMU (波斯語) ; ETROG (希伯來語)左圖觀察細膩且精美的人工栽培檸檬水彩畫,由出生於維吉尼亞州的美國植物插畫家艾倫·伊夏·舒特( Ellen lisham Schutt )所繪, 1907 年。人類與他們的靈長類親戚、大多數 ...
每平方米可以用五氯硝基苯8克制成药土,铺盖土表层1厘米左右;还可以用40%福尔马林50克加水10千克,浇灌基质1平方米,然后用草苫覆盖7~10天,这样便可育苗。少量盆播育苗,可以选用素面沙和新瓦盆。在土壤装盆前,把土壤进行暴晒干透或开水浇透,来给土壤进行消毒 ...
Pliny the Elder, tireless researcher and writer, is author of the encyclopedic Natural History, in 37 books, an unrivaled compendium of Roman knowledge. The contents of the books are as...
The study of the development of flowering plants may be said to be in the throes of a revolution. The literature on the subject is extensive and continues to grow...
Slipper orchids, of the genus Paphiopedilum, vie with pitcher plants as Borneo's most spectacularplants. Sadly, many are now rare in the wild and threatened with extinction. In this book, the...
跟隨一個又一個造就帝國、影響經濟興衰、促進醫學革命和科學演進的植物發現故事,一同展開一場環遊世界之旅。「一段充滿洞見、讓人耳目一新的植物傳播史。」——羅伊•蘭開斯特,著名英國園藝學家這是一本插圖豐富的書,講述了一些最不尋常的植物發現故事,並探究了故事背後的人物。從地理大發現時代的英勇冒險,到致力於科學前沿的現代植物學家,植物獵人們的啟發到底從何而來?有些可能是因為對科學的好奇心,或是對財富的貪婪,也或許都是因為他們根深蒂固的冒險意識。本書附有英國皇家植物園提供超過100幅精雕細琢的絕美植物繪畫,從澳洲的植物灣和西藏高原,到南非的沙漠及巴西的雨林,認識那些為植物和知識奉獻一生且大膽無懼的學者、冒險家、醫生……當園藝與探險相遇!與英國皇家植物園「邱園」密切合作出版 你不知道的植物獵人<尼古拉.瓦維洛夫> 為解決飢荒卻被活活餓死的蘇聯科學家<亞歷山大•馮•洪堡德> 透過攀登19世紀的最高峰,發現了植物全球分布的奧秘<喬治.佛瑞斯特>到雲南採集植物卻被喇嘛追殺,甚至被蘇格蘭政府宣告死亡<荻巢樹德>發現超過80種新物種,拯救東亞園藝文化的「綠武士」<大衛•道格拉斯>只用了短短10年,就將254種植物帶回英國,卻在34歲死於非命<瑪麗亞•梅里安>影響了達爾文的昆蟲研究,世界上第一位以科學維生的女性<威廉.布雪>當上園藝家遇植物園倒閉、想念的妻子和船長跑了、連開槍自殺都出了差錯……你不知道的植物故事〔咖啡〕阿拉比卡咖啡已經被列為瀕危物種,2088年可能就沒有咖啡可以喝了?!〔馬來王豬籠草〕機智的植物生活!樹鼩、大家鼠的廁所和蝙蝠的AirBnb,結帳方式是牠們的便便~〔銀杏〕譯為「gink-go」這個在現代日文中已經消失的發音,是因為日本助手的長崎腔太重?〔蘭花〕獵人們得不到就要毀掉,甚至願意冒著死亡、斷手斷腳、坐牢的風險!〔巨杉〕完全不懼怕野火,反而是繁殖的好機會!〔麵包樹〕緩解全球飢餓的救星!能吃能用,對環境也好處多多~英國皇家植物園是世界知名的研究機構及觀光景點,旨在運用其進步的科學成就,以及豐富的植物和收藏,來彰顯植物和菌類對人類的重要性。其願景是終結生物絕種危機,並創造一個大自然和生物多樣性受到保障及珍視,得以永續發展的世界。
This book is a guide to the vascular plants of the Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and the surrounding forest and wilderness areas, the spectacular region known as the...