Discusses the relationship between the way governors are elected and their ability to obtain approval of their policy agenda
1830 , to R. Campbell ( private ) , 11 May 1831 , BP / PwJf / 130 , 191 , 1206–7 , 1720 , 2040 , 2594 / xxxix . For Bentinck's handling of the press over half - batta , see M. Barns , The Indian Press ( 1940 ) , 186 , 191-6 .
Long's choices for president pro tempore of the senate (Philip H. Gilbert) and Speaker of the House (John B. ... of the Constitution of 1921, still in effect, required roads and bridges to be financed out of current revenues only).
The Correspondence of William Tryon and Other Selected Papers: 1768-1818
But my cousin ( Mrs. Sill Larkin , 2331 Rousseau Ave. ) who is the nearest thing to a relative I got will have some kind of address for me sometime , and if you ever want to contact me just write me care of her .
James Knox Polk, Herbert Weaver Paul H. Bergeron, Kermit L. Hall, Wayne Cutler, Tom Chaffin, Michael David Cohen ... O Elk River Elkton o County Line O Sugar Creek Todd's o Polk's congressional district ( Maury and Bedford counties ) as ...
Lowden of Illinois the Life of Governor Frank O Lowden
Lowden of Illinois: The Life of Governor Frank O. Lowden
Harry Byrd, Sr., was a rarity in American politics.
With a unique life story filled with more twists and turns than any novel of intrigue, former Oklahoma Governor David Hall, after 30 years of silence, reveals the true story of a public servant targeted for personal and political ...
John Murphy was born in 1785 in Robeson County , North Carolina , son of Neil Murphy , a Scottish immigrant . The governor's brother was Reverend Murdock Murphy ... Historian W. Brewer describes Governor Murphy as " stout , unwieldy .