Teaching Children Responsibility Foster Cline, Jim Fay. Good consequences don't always pop right into our brains. Even professionals in the field can't always think up immediate consequences. This is another reason why delaying ...
Get help with: * potty training * daycare * back-talk * whining * and many more everyday stresses faced by parents of toddlers Then this book is for you!
Foster Cline, MD, is an internationally renowned child and adult psychiatrist. He is a cofounder, with Jim Fay, of the Love and Logic Institute and specializes in the attachment and bonding of children, dealing with gifted and talented ...
And you'll win because you'll establish healthy control-without resorting to anger, threats, nagging, or exhausting power struggles. Parenting with Love and Logic puts the fun back into parenting!
Presents techniques for teaching based on the "Love and Logic" philosophy of working with children.
For years, parents have asked Jim Fay and Dr. Charles Fay for specific words they can use when kids leave them speechless. The book is finally here!
Dave Funk helps us understand these unique individuals and the important part we play in their lives. Each page of this book provides: Tools and insights for those teaching special need kids.
This is a read-and-understand, lock-it-in-with practice book that will enrich your relationship with your loved one.
The wisdom, wit, and experience of Jim Fay, Foster W. Cline, M.D., and Bob Sornson have been coupled together in Meeting the Challenge. This book is dedicated to the belief that challenging kids can grow up to be wonderful adults.
The Love and Logic approach is the foundation for this book.