The Storyteller: Retelling the Parables of Jesus. My Journey in God's Love and Grace.

The Storyteller: Retelling the Parables of Jesus. My Journey in God's Love and Grace.
The Storyteller
Little King Books
David Collins


More than a book about the Parables of Jesus, The Storyteller is an adventure that begins at sea one hundred and seventy years ago and tells the stories of a full life following the great Storyteller, Jesus Christ. As the story unfolds, author David Collins takes his reader into fifteen stunning parables found in the Gospels to tell of his encounter with the love of God and spiritual renewal in a grace-soaked worldview. From deep personal tragedy to overflowing joy. This is a book filled with a fresh vision of Church and her mission, and of amazing hope for every man and woman, boy and girl who has ever been born. Best selling author, Paul Young (The Shack), writes "Beautifully crafted, I truly love what David has done. The book you hold in your hand is both profoundly simple and simply profound; words both exposing and ministering good news to our hearts and minds. Savor it, sit long with it, and allow yourself to heal inside the embrace of its words." The Sower How a people who lived with a religion of walls and the fear of not measuring up, heard about a God of generous grace and love who never gives up on them. The Weeds Among the Wheat How Jesus encouraged his band of radiant followers, and warned those who sought to drag them back to the stifling requirements of law and ritual sacrifice. The Mustard Seed and the Yeast Two stories that tell us the world is getting better, not worse, that the peaceable kingdom is advancing, and that we can possess an optimistic and beautiful worldview. The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son Three stories through which we learn that there is no part of the world, no matter how lost or godless, that has not been found by God in Jesus and reconciled to God. The Hidden Treasure How Jesus preached good news to multitudes of the departed, what happened next, and how I finally understood Halloween. The Wicked Tenants Why we boast in the cross of the Messiah who put the purveyors of sin-conscious religion out of business, and proclaimed that we are enough. The Bags of Gold A story Jesus told hoping those who heard him would live totally awestruck by his incredible generosity, and share this amazing good news everywhere. Lazarus and the Rich Man Dramatic images are employed in a story that delivers a powerful rebuke to those who love money and refuse to cross the divide to help the poor. The Good Samaritan The 2019 Christchurch massacre - and how Jesus confronted prejudice against the different others who live among us; and demonstrated that God is truly the Father of all. The Unforgiving Servant Ending the myth of an angry God of punishment - who must have justice - and calling us into the forgiving flow of the God of unconditional mercy. The Ten Bridesmaids The wonder of seeing, of beholding the full blaze of what Christ has done for us, and the privilege of bringing others to the mirror so they can see it in themselves as well. The Pearl of Great Value How finding a vision - a knowledge of such beauty - changed my life and ministry, and introduced me to new friends from across time and across the world.

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