Assessment for Foundation Learning. The Importance of Purposeful Assessment in Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Language Courses

New Zealand Council for Educational Research


The purpose of this research study is to contribute to an understanding of what is required to enhance the assessment capability of New Zealand tertiary education providers of learning in literacy, numeracy, and language. The research began with the development of six broad principles of good assessment practice in foundation learning settings. These principles were derived from the relevant research literature combined with ideas expressed by key informants in the sector. The principles provided a framework for examining current assessment practice, in terms of initial / diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment, in 12 diverse foundation learning settings. The case studies include two work-based programmes, courses that provide individualised and group literacy tuition, a cadetship programme, an ESOL course for refugees and migrants, and a TOPS / Youth Training course. Three workshops, attended by practitioners, policy makers, and researchers, constituted the final stage of the research. They provided a forum for feedback on the draft principles and on the initial analysis of the assessment practice within the case study programmes. The workshops also enabled dialogue about possible strategies that could be used to inform and improve assessment practice. Table of contents: * Executive summary (Assessment principles and practice, purposes of assessment) * Introduction (The policy context, related policy, practice and research initiatives - IALS, ALL, ALAF, The Quality mark, Learning for Living work programme, research studies. Assessment and national qualifications) * Methodology * Developing the assessment principles (Characteristics of adult learners, purposes of assessment, principles of assessment in detail) * Assessment practices in 12 tertiary foundation learning settings * An analysis of case study findings in relation to assessment principles, practice, and purposes (The assessment principles in action, purposes of assessment, recommendations) * Appendix 1: MCLaSS (Provider characteristics, student characteristics, tutor characteristics, professional development, programme characteristics, formative assessment, summative assessment, salient assessment features, strengths and weaknesses of the overall research programme) * Appendix 2: Literacy Aotearoa (1) * Appendix 3: Literacy Aotearoa (2) - He Waka Matauranga and the Pacific Island Family Literacy Project for Tongan women * Appendix 4: Literacy Aotearoa (3) - He Waka Matauranga - MSD WINZ contract * Appendix 5: Trade and Commerce * Appendix 6: BEST Training Pacific Institute for Education and Development * Appendix 7: Workbase * Appendix 8: WelTec and Formway Furniture - literacy, numeracy, and language in the workplace * Appendix 9: The use of heritage languages in assessment: Diploma of Teaching - Early Childhood Education - Pacific Islands * Appendix 10: LifeWorks * Appendix 11: Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology (CPIT) * Appendix 12: WITT - The Learning Centre * Appendix 13: Exploring assessment in tertiary literacy, numeracy, and language learning settings: insights into current practice and future options (Interview questions for researchers, specialists, and officials) * Glossary.