These publications are destined for a general audience. It is intended that through these volumes the conclusions derived from the innovative research emanating from the Balzan Research projects will be brought to a much wider public.
Corporatisation, Privatisation and Public Law
In this open access edited volume, international researchers of the field describe and discuss the systematic review method in its application to research in education.
This book of essays, dedicated to him by a group of his friends including academic colleagues, practitioners and judges, marks his enormous contribution to the common law.
It applies indirectly, though, through a presumption of compliance with the rule of law:147 [W]hen Parliament enacts ... Mark Elliott, Beatson, Matthews and Elliott's Administrative Law (4th edn, Oxford University Press, 2011), 22.
This market-leading text provides students with step-by-step guidance through the research writing process, from selecting and narrowing a topic to formatting the finished document.
"On 25 February 2009 the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services resolved to inquire into and report by 23 November 2009 on the issues associated with recent financial product and services provider collapses, ...
"The New Zealand Bill of Rights" is a comprehensive account of over a decade of jurisprudence under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. The Act shares many substantive...
Accountability for pupil performance is critical, and much more information will be available to aid understanding of a school's performance. School improvement will be the responsibility of schools, not central government.
A unique collection of essays that brings together contributions from; theology, aesthetics, social and political science, philosophy and cultural theory to examine the surge in the public visibility of religion.