"His fascinating and ambitious book provides a fully developed theory of violence as the 'heart and secret soul' of the sacred. Girard's fertile, combative mind links myth to prophetic writing, primitive religions to classical tragedy."--Victor Brombert, Chronicle of Higher Education.
Celebrate each season of the Witches' year with rituals, recipes, and crafts.
Her YA novel Sirenz Back in Fashion, a follow up to her debut, Sirenz, was published by Flux in 2012. When Joe Average is asked to think about witchcraft celebrations, 12 Llewellyn's Sabbats Almanac.
Using historical occurrences, myths, and anecdotes, the author guides readers through the fundamentals of the sacrosanct, looking at how we as a society have lost the sacred and why it is so urgently needed in today's world.
This volume addresses the means and ends of sacrificial speculation by inviting a selected group of specialists in the fields of philosophy, history of religions, and indology to examine philosophical modes of sacrificial speculation ...
Whether you're seeking the right coven, a better job, or a loving partner, this all-occasion spellbook can help! From festival to family, divination to defense, Kate West provides essential magical workings for the modern Witch.
Understand Deity can be greatly enhanced by understanding the meaning and purpose behind sacred symbols found in religious ordinances, rituals, covenants, clothing, gestures, and words.
This book combines the powerful, seductive allure of casting real spells withpragmatic, down-to-earth, do-it-yourself guidance.
Packed with rituals, rites, recipes, and crafts, this essential guide offers fun and fresh ways to celebrate the eight sacred Wiccan holidays—and enrich your spiritual life throughout the year.
Die Heirat eines noch unverheirateten jungen Mannes ( asli ) mit einer verwitweten oder geschiedenen Frau ( tamet'out ) ... Der magische Kreis ist zum ersten Mal durchbrochen und kann sich für die Initiierten nie wieder ganz schließen .