America's first successful attempt at robotic lunar exploration, Project Ranger ran from 1959 to 1965, culminating in close-up television images of the moon's surface. This official NASA history is illustrated by more than 100 photographs.
This would make Stuart the only individual known to have visually observed and photographed a large meteoroid impact (Figs. 3.3 and 3.4). Nearly 50 years later, Dr. Bonnie J. Buratti of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported a ...
This book summarizes what we know about lunar dust, its structure and chemical composition, its impact on human health, and how to reduce/mitigate its effects on future human exploration.
A practicing psychiatrist presents new scientific evidence which indicates that the moon may influence not only man's geophysical environment but his day-to-day behavior as well.
The only work to date to collect data gathered during the American and Soviet missions in an accessible and complete reference of current scientific and technical information about the Moon.
This is a very useful reference work for a broad audience, not limited to the professional lunar scientist: general astronomers, researchers, theoreticians, practitioners, graduate students, undergraduate students, and astrophysicists as ...
Using werewolves and Wernher von Braun, Stonehenge and the sex lives of sea corals, aboriginal myths, and an Anglican bishop in this new book, the author weaves variegated information into a glimpse of Earth's closest celestial neighbor, ...
This book is a comprehensive list of English-language publications on the so-called "lunar effect" on humans.
Unlocking the Moon's Secrets tells the fascinating story of how scientists solved the mystery of the Moon's origin and the cause of the Moon's craters.
The Lunar Effect
This most recent book from lunar expert Charles J. Byrne combines the latest comprehensive imagery, topography and gravity data from all three recent Moon missions, Kaguya, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and GRAIL.