Concise, highly readable book discusses the selection, set-up, and maintenance of a telescope; amateur studies of the sun; lunar topography and occultations; and more. 124 figures. 26 halftones. 37 tables.
Telescope Optics: Evaluation and Design
... 57 , 90-6 albedo features , 93 clouds , 95 oppositions , 95 polar cap , 94 rotation , 94f Mars Observer Spacecraft , 92 Marsden , Brian , 119 Mayer , Ben , 313f Meier , Rolfe , 117 Mercury , 56 , 84-7 Messier objects , Mi ( nebula ) ...
With fully illustrated star charts, gorgeous astrophotography and step-by-step project instruction, this family friendly book is the only guide you’ll ever need to navigate the nightsky.
Identifies the best sky objects to observe using the naked eye, binoculars, and backyard telescopes. By David J. Eicher, managing editor of Astronomy magazine. 7 3/8 x 9 5/8; 166 pgs.; 80 b&w and 80 color photos; softcover.
Here, too, are details of choosing new and used optics and accessories, along with enhancements you can make to extend their versatility and useful lifetime. This book is for you. Really.
Excerpt from Astronomy for Amateurs: A Practical Manual of Telescopic Research in All Latitudes, Adapted to the Powers of Moderate Instruments The aim of this volume is entirely practical.
This book provides an introduction to the design of a variety of telescopes, mounts, and drives suitable for the home-constructor.
The mechanisms driving the circulation of Jupiter's atmosphere are not fully understood, but one certainly is the Coriolis force, in which a planet's rotation sets up circulatory cells that spawn cyclones and anticyclones.12 On Earth, ...
This book is a must for any amateur astronomer wanting a new way to look at the sky.
No complicated mathematics are involved, and no prior knowledge of optics or astronomy is needed to follow the text's step-by-step directions.