Flora of the Great Plains
Batch. Frederick William Batchelder (1838– 1911), physician, botanist, ornithologist, and musician in New Hampshire. Baum, B.R. Bernard René Baum (b. 1937), French-born Canadian botanist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Baum, B.R. ...
A field guide to Rocky Mountain wildflowers from northern Arizona and New Mexico to British Columbia . Houghton Mifflin Co. , Boston . Crow , G. E. , and C. B. Hellquist . 2000. Aquatic and wetland plants of Northeastern North America .
Pouilon low Hitch. K. Rouse Hiliroo-oorool, boilio for o blooks onlinowo agro Wo 2 when resemblingwoodshawings W\, ! ! o W o o o | TRIBE: SPECIES: PANICEAEPanicum obtusum Kunth COMMON NAME: Vinemesquite (zacate guía,
geus 72 , by C. McJannet , G. Argus , S. Edlund and J. Cayouette ; the Minister of Supply and Services , Printing and ... 1988 book , An Atlas and Annotated List of the Vascular Plants of Arkansas ; the Utah Museum of Natural History ...
This illustrated field guide describes the biological and ecological world of butterflies
Carl Anton von Meyer ( 1795–1855 ) , director of the St. Petersburg , Russia , botanical garden Cav . ... Rose John Merle Coulter ( 1851–1928 ) , professor of botany , University of Chicago , and Joseph Nelson Rose ( 1862–1928 ) ...
An Illustrated Guide James Stubbendieck, Jessica L. Milby. Dalea. L. Dalea: named after Samuel Dale (1659–1739), English botanist. Annual or perennial herbs or shrubs, stems leafy; leaves alternate, small, ... golden, in reference 107.
... Flora of the Northern States and Canada , 2nd ed .. 1913 . " Deam , C. C. , Flora of Indiana , 1940 ... Prairies and Plains of Central North America , 1932 . Stevens , O. A. , Handbook of North Dakota Plants , 1950 . Glossary 517 ...