A tiger swallowtail, red admiral, coral hairstreak, and 20 other butterfly varieties nestled in flowers come vividly to life when colored with paints, pencils, or other media.
Make your projects soar with this value-packed crafts collection!
The creative possibilities are up to you. With this guide, you can capture your most beloved butterflies with skill and satisfaction. No net required!
Expertly rendered illustrations of 43 species: monarch, buckeye, white admiral, olive hairstreak, ruddy daggerwing, mourning cloak, painted lady, more. Fact-filled captions by Monty Reid.
You will be able to explore your creativity and express yourself with this coloring book. The delightful illustrations of butterflies with floral backgrounds are sure to please you. Any person who loves coloring will love this book.
You will be able to explore your creativity and express yourself with this coloring book. The delightful illustrations of butterflies with floral backgrounds are sure to please you. Any person who loves coloring will love this book.
You will be able to explore your creativity and express yourself with this coloring book. The delightful illustrations of butterflies with floral backgrounds are sure to please you. Any person who loves coloring will love this book.
You will be able to explore your creativity and express yourself with this coloring book. The delightful illustrations of butterflies with floral backgrounds are sure to please you. Any person who loves coloring will love this book.
You can even color both sides of the paper for richer, more vibrant hues. With the Butterfly Stained Glass Coloring Book and your own personal touch, it's easy and fun to create striking stained glass displays.
Beautifully detailed full-page images form a gallery of 46 common and exotic butterflies. Follow the numbered guide to create accurate portraits of a ruddy daggerwing, luna moth, white admiral, and other species.
With their gossamer wings and poetic movements, butterflies have inspired artists throughout the ages. Watercolor is the perfect medium to capture the transparency of their delicate wings.