Written by a trio of experts, this is the definitive reference on the Apollo spacecraft and lunar modules. It traces the design of the vehicles, their development, and their operation in space. More than 100 photographs and illustrations highlight the text, which begins with NASA's origins and concludes with the triumphant Apollo 11 moon mission.
Apollo and America's Moon Landing Program - Chariots for Apollo: A History of Manned Lunar Spacecraft (NASA SP-4205) - Lunar...
We hope that this book will contribute to their assessments and assist in their judgments. Writing the history of Apollo has been a tremendous undertaking. There is so much to tell; there are so many facets.
Chief engineer Thomas J. Kelly gives a firsthand account of designing, building, testing, and flying the Apollo lunar module.
Building Moonships: The Grumman Lunar Module tells the story of the people who built and tested the lunar modules that were deployed on missions as well as the modules that never saw the light of day.
A pictorial history of the lunar module developed during the Apollo programs offers color photographs and diagrams of everything from switches and panels to the entire module, along with additional...
GET ( h : m : s ) Date ( GMT ) Time ( h : m : s ) Apollo 13 mission event – continued 055 : 54 : 56 14 Apr 1970 ... We have – B is barber poled and D is barber 055 : 55 : 35 055 : 55 : 42 14 Apr 1970 14 Apr 1970 03:08:35 03:08:42 055 ...
America's first successful attempt at robotic lunar exploration, Project Ranger ran from 1959 to 1965, culminating in close-up television images of the moon's surface. This official NASA history is illustrated by more than 100 photographs.
Although it may be one of the most complete studies of the systems and technology that made landing on the Moon possible, it's never been easy to find copies of this text because copies were never widely released -- until now.
Samuel C. Phillips to von Braun, 1 Apr. 1965. 41. Arthur Rudolph to Herman Weidner, 10 May 1965. 42. Akens, Saturn Chronology, pp. 109—120; NAR, Saturn S-II Chronology, passim. 43. Akens, Saturn Chronology, pp. 120—121; NAR, Saturn S-II ...
Much of this work centered on his primary interests, the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and the Lunar Module. These Journals are generally considered the canonical online reference on the flights to the Moon.