Surveys the elements of risk, uncertainty, and unpredictability that might moderate Soviet behavior and undermine the confidence with which Soviet decisionmakers would consider entering into a major military engagement with the United ...
This report analyzes the nature and depth of Moscow's concern about the Strategic Defense Initiatives (SDI) and its implications for future Soviet responses.
C. E. Timberlake , ed . , Essays on Russian Liberalism ( Columbia , Mo. , 1972 ) . W. Vucinich , The Peasants in Nineteenth ... H. Troyat , Tolstoy ( New York and London , 1967 ) . J. Frankel , Prophecy and Politics : Socialism ...
Cronin, Patrick N., 64, 83, 85, 87, 90, 93, 97-98, 102, 109, 121-22, 126, 129-30 Dash, Barbara, 228«42 Deane, ... John G., 231 «5 Hitler, Adolf, 24, 195, 223 «3 Hoffman, Stanley, 243 «23 Hyland, William G., 204 lakubovskii, I., ...
1917: The Russian Revolution, Reactions and Impact
Covering Russia and the USSR, 1905-1991, this text gives students a full narrative context for their source-based work and provides GCSE-style assessment tasks.
Voices of Glasnost: The Unique Self-portrait of Gorbachev's Russians
Anton Chekhov Fedor Dostoyevski Alexander Pushkin Leo Tolstoi Ivan Turgenev Nikolai Gogol Maxim Gorki Peter llich Tchaikovsky Mikhail Glinka Modest P. Mussorgsky Nicholas Rimsky - Korsakov Igor Stravinsky Alexander Scriabin Anton ...
Angriff: The German Attack on Stalingrad in Photos
Politics and Society in the USSR