This dissertation explores Albert Bandura's concept of moral disengagement (Bandura, 1990a, 1990b, 1999a, 2002) in the context of organizational corruption. First, the construct of moral disengagement is defined and elaborated upon. Moral disengagement is then hypothesized to play a role in the initiation of organizational corruption by both easing and expediting individual unethical decision making that advances self and organizational interests. Moral disengagement is hypothesized to be a factor in the facilitation of organizational corruption through dampening individuals' awareness of the ethical content of the decisions they make. Finally, it is hypothesized to contribute to the perpetuation of organizational corruption in organizations, because if individuals who have a greater propensity to morally disengage are more likely to make decisions that advance organizational interests, regardless of the ethicality of those decisions, they may be rewarded for those decisions in terms of organizational advancement. Three studies empirically investigate these hypotheses. Study 1a develops and conducts preliminary validation efforts on the first general scale of moral disengagement for adult samples. Study 1b finds that moral disengagement, by dampening moral awareness, increases the likelihood that individuals will make unethical decisions; this finding is particularly robust for women. Study 2 find that individuals who have a greater propensity to morally disengage achieve more promotions and have a greater number of subordinates than individuals with middle range levels of moral disengagement, but that low levels of moral disengagement also predict these advancement outcomes. Together, these studies form an argument that moral disengagement---the propensity of individuals to suspend the self-regulatory processes that typically compel us to behave morally---plays an important role in processes of organizational corruption.
This book offers insight into the qualitative dissertation for students enrolled in professional doctorate programs - a population that have specific requirements and resources available to them that traditional methods books often overlook ...
Library and Information Science Annual
... RAABE 1982 Eva Entwicklung und Lage der zeitgenössischen bildenden Kunst in Papua Neuguinea . M.A. Universität Göttingen 1980 2130 QUINN 1978 P. The formulation of laws for the registration of customary land in Papua New Guinea .
Yugoslavian Immigrant Women Learning English [microform]
What is a dissertation?
Using a mixture of useful information, practical strategies and valuable advice, this book helps readers through the process of doing a PhD by providing essential hints and tips on key aspects such as the following: How to start, conduct ...
A Triptych Study of the Impact of Teacher Dispositions on Teacher Hiring and Student Outcomes, Teacher and Student Growth Mindsets,...
... W. 116 Foster, L. 56, 154, 266 Foucauldian discourse analysis 285 Foucault, M. 286 frames of interest 226–7, 228, ... D. 266 G Gantt chart 34, 35f Garfinkel, H. 225 gatekeepers 174 ethics confidentiality 135 privacy 133 participant ...
This book provides crucial support that will help organise their thinking and get them on the road to success.
This book covers everything a student will need to research, plan and write academic essays and assignments effectively and successfully.