This book examines the health system response to the rising burden of chronic disease in eight countries.
This report examines primary health care across OECD countries before the COVID-19 pandemic, and draws attention to how primary health care is not living up to its full potential.
Hackett, M., Yapa, C., Parag, V. and Anderson, C. (2005) Frequency of depression after stroke, Stroke, 36: 1330–40. Haines, L., Wan, K., Lynn, R., ... Loddenkemper, R., Gibson, G.J. and Sibille, Y. (2003) European Lung White Book.
The book's recommendations will inform policy makers concerned with health reform in public- and private-sectors and also managers of communitybased and public-health intervention programs, private and public research funders, and patients ...
The Encyclopedia of Health Economics offers students, researchers and policymakers objective and detailed empirical analysis and clear reviews of current theories and polices.
This book highlights the issues and focuses on the strategies and interventions that policy-makers have at their disposal to tackle this increasing challenge.
'Recovery from Schizophrenia' demonstrates convincingly, but controversially, how political, economic and labour market forces shape social responses to the mentally ill, mould psychiatric treatment philosophy, and influence the onset and ...
Presents the justification and advantages of providing mental health services in primary care.
Better data are needed to help shape efforts, especially on the groups of people currently underdiagnosed and undertreated, and the IOM encourages federal and state agencies and private organizations to accelerate the collection of data on ...
The major causes of premature adult deaths in all regions of the world, due to chronic diseases such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes and cancer, have been generally neglected on the international health and development agenda.