Best-selling author Richard K. James presents the latest skills and techniques for handling real crisis situations. Authoritative and based on the author's extensive experience teaching crisis intervention courses, the new edition presents a six-step model for dealing with people in crisis: Defining the Problem, Ensuring Client Safety, Providing Support, Examining Alternatives, Making Plans, and Obtaining Commitment. Using this model, the author then builds specific strategies for handling a myriad of different crisis situations - in many cases providing the dialogue that you might use as a nurse, minister, police officer, counselor, or other practitioner. At the end of this course, you will have developed skills and strategies that you can take out of the classroom and onto the street.
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Disposable Patients: Situational Factors in Emergency Psychiatric Decisions
Preparing for the Psychological Consequences of Terrorism: A Public Health Strategy
Preparing for Crises in the Schools: A Manual for Building School Crisis Response Teams
Kriz danışması ve travmatik olaylarda tedavi planlayıcı, DSM-5 ile güncellenmiş
This text provides crucial help for mental health professionals in assessing and reacting to various crises involving suicide, homicide, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, sexual abuse, bereavement/grief, substance use, natural ...
Psychological Support in Disasters: Facilitating Psychological Support for Catastrophic Events
Final Report of an Evaluation of Men's Meeting Place
Brent Q. Hafen, Keith J. Karren, Joseph J. Mistovich ... that generously assisted with photographs are : Linda Gheen William F. Toon , NREMT - P Dyna Med , In George D. Dodson California Medical Products , Inc. Lab Safety Supply ...