This best-selling textbook takes an active learning approach through a question-and-answer presentation in which students actively learn the material while reading through the text, rather than reading with the intent to learn later. For example, the authors turn the passive statement "read the author's solution" into the active "work the problem with guided methodology from the authors."As with previous editions, this text allows professors to tailor the order of chapters to accommodate their particular needs through two flexible formats--a standard paperbound edition and loose-leaf edition. This modularity is achieved not only by carefully writing each topic so it never assumes prior knowledge, but also by including any and all necessary preview or review information needed to learn that topic. The new Third Edition integrates new features such as helpful technological resources, coached problems, and enhanced art and photography, all of which dovetail with the text's active learning approach.
Introductory Chemistry creates light bulb moments for students and provides unrivaled support for instructors!
This Study Guide was written specifically to assist students using the 6th Edition of Introductory Chemistry.
Introductory Chemistry
Focusing on conceptual learning, the book motivates students by connecting chemical principles to real-life experiences.
Introductory Chemistry
*NEW! End-of-chapter Problems. New problems and a new section of additional problems that synthesize material across chapters. *NEW! Chapter 11 on Gases. *NEW! Chapter 8 on Stoichiometry. *NEW! Student Workbook...
Succeed in your course with INTRODUCTORY CHEMISTRY: A FOUNDATION! This best-selling text combines enhanced problem-solving structure with substantial pedagogy to help you become a successful problem solver.
The ChemActivities found in Introductory Chemistry:A Guided Inquiry use the classroom guided inquiry approach and provide an excellent accompaniment to any one semester Introductory text.
This book focuses on the development of basic chemical principles including chemical bonding, atomic structure, and gas laws.
Another important goal of the series is to connect chemistry to real-life experiences, with engaging applications and colorful graphics.