This bestselling text on marriages, families, and relationships combines a rigorous scholarly and applied approach with a unique theme especially relevant to today's dynamic global environment: "Making choices in a diverse society." The text achieves an excellent balance between the sociological, or ecological and family systems theoretical perspectives, while including extensive coverage of family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. The authors use warmth, humor, and an engaging presentation to create a highly readable text that offers insightful perspectives on the diversity of our modern society, including different ethnic traditions and family forms.
The text gives equal and balanced attention to people of all racial, ethnic, and other societal groups, and treats a variety of lifestyles with equal attention.
To enhance teaching and student learning, an updated AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes and Relationships Expectations) Online computerized assessment contains 15 categories that match the chapters of the book.
Connects theory to reality Exploring Marriages and Families, 2/e by Karen T. Seccombe illustrates the ways in which historical, cultural, social, and political factors influence readers' decision making in relationships.
Support Instructors — An Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, PowerPoints, and the New MyFamilyLab support instructors. Note: MyFamilyLab does not come automatically packaged with this text.
Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson's MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more. 0205957226 / 9780205957224 Marriages and Familes Plus NEW MySocLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package ...
It's important to keep in mind that the images of single people and the meaning of singlehood are culturally constructed (Darrington, Piercy, & Niehuis, 2005). For example, while single middle-aged women in society may be viewed as ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
The use of secular research to compliment sacred truths about family life is a unique feature of this volume, with contributions from more than 50 strong family scholars who also cherish their faith.
Each chapter concludes with a section on public policy and critical thinking questions. The text makes research and statistics easy for students to follow and understand, and it integrates cultural diversity throughout.
Sociology : Understanding a diverse society . Belmont , CA : Wadsworth . Anderson , M. , & Collins , P. H. ( 1995 ) . Race , class and gender : An anthology . Belmont , CA : Wadsworth . Annie E. Casey Foundation ...