... 330 Bagnato, C. F., 464 Baik, E., 176 Baker, A., 40, 71, 121, 223, 255, 269 Baker, L. A., 350,493 Baker, M., 51 Baker, P., 294, 402 Baker, T. H., 710 Baldas, T., 25, 465 Baldus, D.C., 500 Baldwin, L., 238 Baler, R. D., 11 Bales, W., ...
This text examines criminal justice as an interdisciplinary endeavor, sharing elements from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science.
A textbook on the American criminal justice system.
This book, which is intended to be used as a textbook in an introductory course in criminal justice in America, covers the criminal justice process, the police, the courts, corrections, and the juvenile justice system.
This text examines criminal justice as an interdisciplinary endeavor, sharing elements from criminology, sociology, law, history, psychology, and political science.
The American System of Criminal Justice: Selected Chapter
See William W. Freehling, The Road to Disunion: Secessionists Triumphant, 1854–1861, at331–33 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007). On the staffing ofslave patrols, see Sally E. Hadden, Slave Patrols: Law and Violence in Virginia ...
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Criminal Justice in America: The Politics Behind the System provides an introduction to the American system of criminal justice, with politics as its underlying theme. The basic premise is that...
American System of Criminal Justice