This bestselling marriage and family text combines a rigorous scholarly and applied approach with a unique theme especially relevant to today's dynamic global environment: Making choices in a diverse society. The text achieves an excellent balance between the sociological and ecological or family systems theoretical perspectives, while including extensive coverage of family dynamics and interpersonal relationships. The authors use warmth, humor, and an engaging presentation to create a highly readable text that offers insightful perspectives on the diversity of our modern society, including different ethnic traditions and marriage and family alternatives.
Thinkspot, the text's open access website, provides students with a large resource of tools to help them achieve a better grade.
Since the first edition in 1994, Marriages and Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths has helped thousands of college students learn how to create and maintain enduring intimate relationships.
For courses in Marriage and Family, Sociology of Family, and Family Studies/Relationships in departments of Sociology, Family Studies, Psychology, and Women's Studies. This best-selling, full-color text introduces students to the...
Marriages & Families: New Problems, New Opportunities
Upon finishing this book, readers will understand the relevance of social science to their lives and have a solid theoretical, research-based understanding of marriages and families.
Using a bioecological framework, the book reveals how families are shaped by multiple influences, from biological to cultural, that interact with one another.
... the underlying cultural ideas and values of the U.S. social order may then very well be the greatest challenge besides those described earlier in this chapter to the development of healthy relationships, marriages, and families.
Study Guide to Accompany Intimate Relationships, Marriages, and Families, Fourth Edition
1962 , The Northern Isles , Edinburgh Walters , D. B. 1980 , The European legal context of the Welsh law of matrimonial property . In D. Jenkins and M. E. Owen ( eds . ) , The Welsh Law of Women , Cardiff Whitelock , D. ( ed . ) ...