Lawrence Shulman’s THE SKILLS OF HELPING INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GROUPS, AND COMMUNITIES WITH CD, 6e, demonstrates how common elements, core processes, and skills exist across all stages of helping and throughout work with all populations--including individuals, families, groups, and communities. It defines, illustrates, and teaches helping skills and provides manageable models for understanding them. The text also looks at the underlying process and its associated set of core skills. Two CD-ROMS accompany the text and are designed to enhance students’ learning experience. THE INTERACTIVE SKILLS OF HELPING CD-ROM and WORKSHOP CD-ROM FOR THE SKILLS OF HELPING illustrate the text’s core skills and feature video excerpts of an interactive workshop led by Dr. Shulman. Examples depict social workers in action and directly connect theory and research to the realities of working with clients. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Shulman's text introduces a model for the helping process based on an "interactional" approach, which uses a variety of theories and skills to build on the client-helper relationship. By presenting...
[In this book, the author] introduces you to a ... model for the helping process based on the "interactional" approach.
Part of the EMPOWERMENT SERIES, THE SKILLS OF HELPING INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GROUPS, AND COMMUNITIES, ENHANCED, 8th Edition, integrates the core competencies and practice behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and ...
The Skills of Helping: Individuals, Families, and Groups
How to best protect children from inappropriate school expectations, practices, and policies. Young Children, 44(3), 14-24. Bresnahan, K., Brooks, C., & Zuckerman, B. (1991). Prenatal cocaine use: Impact on mothers and infants.
A companion workbook to The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities, 7th edition, by Lawrence Shulman.
This seventh edition demonstrates how there are common elements, core processes, and skills across all stages of helping and throughout work with all populations -- including individuals, families, groups, and communities.
Extremely practical, the book presents students with a clear format on how to run a group built around four phases of work: the preliminary (preparatory) phase; the beginning (contracting) phase; the middle (work) phase; and the ending and ...
The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities, 7th Edition
Apply CSWE Core Competencies - The text integrates the 2008 CSWE EPAS, with critical thinking questions and practice tests to assess student understanding and development of competencies and practice behaviours.