Join over one million students who have used Spielvogel’s texts to be successful in their Western Civilization course! There’s a reason WESTERN CIVILIZATION is the best seller: it makes the story of history come alive. Spielvogel’s text is also loaded with extras, like Film and History features that show you a new approach to studying history. Colorful maps and visuals, plus dramatic first-hand historical accounts, combine to bring to life the stories of the people and events that have shaped Western civilization. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The clear narrative of a single gifted author makes it easy to follow the story of Western civilization.
A variety of pedagogical tools, including features on relevant films and new end-of-chapter study aids, make this edition accessible to any learning style.
Bestselling author Spielvogel's engaging, chronological narrative weaves the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, cultural, and military aspects of history into a gripping story that is as memorable as it is instructive.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9781111342197 .
This new AP edition includes end-of-chapter multiple-choice review questions in AP format, as well as a set of DBQs at the end of the text. In addition, an introduction to students describes the test and suggests ways to prepare for it.
In this selection, Naomi Loughnan, a young, upper-middIe-class woman, describes the experiences in a munitions plant that ... opyright engage earning 11 ights eserved ay not be copied scanned or duplicated in hole or in part ue to ...
A variety of pedagogical tools, including features on relevant films and new end-of-chapter study aids, make this edition accessible to any learning style.
A variety of pedagogical tools, including features on relevant films and new end-of-chapter study aids, make this edition accessible to any learning style.
Prepared by James T. Baker of Western Kentucky University, the Study Guide includes chapter outlines and summaries, a glossary of key terms for each chapter, analysis of primary source documents, and questions that include matching, ...
This is Volume A (chapters 1-12) of the best-selling Western civilization text that has helped hundreds of thousands of students learn about the present by exploring the past.