Construct effective arguments with UNDERSTANDING ARGUMENTS: AN INTRODUCTION TO INFORMAL LOGIC, International Edition. Primarily an introduction to informal logic, this text provides a guide to understanding and constructing arguments in the context of academic studies and subsequent professional careers. Exercises, discussion questions, chapter objectives, and readings help clarify difficult concepts and make the material meaningful and useful.
Similarly , the credibility of the observations of scientists who study the effects of smoking on Quoted in Edward B. Arnolds , William K. Carroll , Melvin B. Lewis , and Michael P. Seng , Eyewitness Testimony : Strategies and Tactics ...
The 14th Edition of Introduction to Logic, written by Copi, Cohen & McMahon, is dedicated to the many thousands of students and their teachers - at hundreds of universities in the United States and around the world - who have used its ...
The 14th Edition of Introduction to Logic, written by Copi, Cohen & McMahon, is dedicated to the many thousands of students and their teachers - at hundreds of universities in the United States and around the world - who have used its ...
Essentials of Logic
Solutions to Exercises: Introduction to Logic
Of great aid , of course , was Newton's theory until the outermost planet , Uranus , raised some curious questions . Not only did Uranus's position differ from what Newton's theory predicted it should be , but the difference was too ...
Based on Pat Hurley's recommendations on how his book may be customized to fit a traditional logic course. Only includes CH. 1 and 3-7.
Logic and Composition: (selections from Hurley's A Concise Introduction to Logic) ; Philosophy 5
Selected Readings from Hurley: A Concise Introduction to Logic