It retains the strong chronological and thematic framework of the bigger text, but offers a more manageable option for instructors concerned about too much material and too little time.
History isn't about memorizing names and dates. Understanding the past can help you navigate the present and future--and LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER, Enhanced 7th Edition is the book to guide you.
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People
Liberty, Equality, Power: Since 1863
Another Boston minister , William Hubbard , insisted that the war was only a brief testing time , after which the Lord would lead his saints to victory over the heathen . To Daniel Gookin , a magistrate committed to Eliot's mission work ...
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People
This is Volume I: To 1877 of LIBERTY, EQUALITY, POWER, Fourth Edition.
A brief introduction to the text -- Studying from Primary Source Materials -- reveals some of the tricks to uncovering the past that your instructor wants you to know.
Liberty, Equality, Power