This uniquely practical introduction to private security emphasizes professionalism and ethics and demonstrates how public law enforcement and private security work in tandem to solve problems and protect both individuals and businesses. INTRODUCTION TO PRIVATE SECURITY focuses on practical, real-world concepts and applications and includes detailed coverage of everything from industry background and related law to premise, retail, business, employment, and information/computer security as well as investigation, surveillance, and even homeland security. Throughout, the emphasis is on providing students with a clear sense of the numerous career opportunities available in this rapidly expanding field -- including real-world insight on how to get a job in private security, concrete information on the skills needed, and succinct overviews of day-to-day job responsibilities. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This first phase of the SFI partners with Pakistan, Honduras, the United Kingdom, Oman, Singapore, and Korea, and it will provide these governments with a greater window into potentially dangerous shipments moving across their territory ...
For courses in Introduction to Private Security. This one-semester text discusses all aspects of private security-from recruiting, selecting and training security personnel to testifying in court.
Introduction to Private Security
Introduction to Private Security
The content of this book provides general security concepts, information, and examples intended for college and university students enrolled in an entry-level or introductory security class or those seeking a professional career in security ...
Private Security and the Law, Fourth Edition, is a unique resource that provides a comprehensive analysis of practices in the security industry as they relate to law, regulation, licensure, and constitutional questions of case and statutory ...
(RAND Report R-869-DOJ) Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation; 1971. [p. 3] [2] Van Meter C Executive Director. In: Private security: report of the task force on private security. Washington, DC: National Advisory Committee on Criminal ...
216 ( W.Va 1987 ) . 12. People v . Zelinski , 594 P 2d 1000 ( 1979 ) . 13. ... Transamerica Insurance Co. , W. Fenton Langston , and Hartford Accident Indemnity Co. , 472 S. 2d 1210 . 33. Dupree v . Piggly Wiggly Shop Rite Foods Inc.
The topics in the text were chosen based on student, professional, and professor recommendations to ensure that the coverage is both relevant and current.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.