This study guide is the best way to prepare for exams and get the grade you want! Get easy access to learning objectives, chapter summaries, key terms and concepts, and a self-test. The self-test consists of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and essay questions, all coded to the learning objectives that appear in the book. Answer key included.
The brief paperback nature of this book makes it more approachable, and the well-respected author team has added several key pedagogical elements to help ensure students success.
Target supervision strategies to deal with the critical needs of high-risk ... some third party content may be suppressed from the eBook and/or eChapter(s).
Complete with valuable career-based material, insightful guest speakers who share their frontline perspectives, illuminating real-world cases, and uniquely even-handed treatment of institutional and community sanctions, the text examines ...
Solomon, Amy L., Kelly D. Johnson, Jeremy Travis, and Elizabeth C. McBride. From Prison to Work: The Employment ... accessed January 14, 2014. Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668, 1984. Substance Abuse and. 422 American Corrections.
Take a look at the American corrections system from the perspective of the corrections worker and the offender in AMERICAN CORRECTIONS, Eighth Edition.
For instance, in 2006, Martin Lee Anderson, a 14-year-old boot camp inmate, died, allegedly at the hands of eight correctional staff members who were later charged with manslaughter. According to reports, Anderson collapsed while ...
American Corrections in Brief + Lms Integrated Mindtap Criminal Justice, 6-month Access
American Corrections in Brief + Careers in Criminal Justice Access Card
American Corrections in Brief + Lms Integrated for Mindtap Criminal Justice, 1 Term 6 Month Printed Access Card
American Corrections in Brief + Careers in Criminal Justice