يؤكد هذا الكتاب على أن التعلُّم القائم على المشروعات يُعدُّ مثاليًّا لصفوف الموهوبين، ويركز على خيارات الطلَّاب ومسؤولية المعلِّم ...
To be Gifted & Learning Disabled: From Identification to Practical Intervention Strategies
كتاب لا غنى عنه للعاملين في المجال التربوي يعرض الكتاب نموذجًا سهل الاستعمال للتجميع العنقودي الشامل، يتضمن حلولًا عملية للطلاب ...
M, & Nakamura, J. (2003). A mission possible? Enabling good work in higher education. Change. September-October, 41-47. Knowling, R. (2002). Why vision matters. In F. Hesselbein & R. Johnston (Eds). On mission and leadership (pp.
360 Example Program E Individual mentorships or internships set up with community resource persons All day Two ... also assigned . students Frequency 150 minutes per week One hour per One class period of Contact for shared instrucday or ...
Teens with Talent: Developing the Potential of the Bright, Brighter, and Brightest
This book has become a classic in the fields of gifted education and gifted psychology. For years, parents have referred to it as "the Dr. Spock book for parents of...
This booklet discusses and provides suggestions for meeting the educational needs of gifted girls. The first chapter, "The Needs of Gifted Girls," describes the problem of underachievement among gifted girls...
Achieving Excellence: Educating The Gifted and Talented, provides foundational information relating to the field of gifted education (i.e. history, laws, etc.), details characteristics of gifted students from various populations,...
'Pulls many areas of gifted research, knowledge, and applications together in a clear and concise manner. This is a one-stop book for teachers who have high-ability/gifted students in a classroom...