"'Player-Piano' tells for the first time the fascinating story of the mechanical piano from earliest times up to the heyday of the instrument in the 1930s. Never before has this story been related, although the end of the player-piano is certainly still within the living memory of most of us and many hundreds of these devices are still to be found in our homes. In addition to telling the story of the development of these pianos which strove to produce perfect music without the need for skills on the part of the 'performer', this book sets out in copious detail exactly how these complex mechanisms work. For the owner of an instrument, step by step instructions for the restoration and preservation of both the early barrel-playing pianos and the most sophisticated player and reproducing instruments are given. To fully illustrate their development, design and mechanical processes, no less than 112 plates and 110 long drawings are included."--Jacket.
In exploring the art of those who knew their instrument both as composers and as pianists, this book serves, in the words of pianist Stephen Hough, "both as a fascinating, exhaustive study of the riches of the past and as a stimulating ...
Great modern teacher and pianist's concise statement of principles, technique, and related material. Includes 10 musical examples.
His distinctive achievement was to present in its final shape the fabric of polyphony. -- Grove's Dictionary of Music and MusiciansThis assessment of Bach's accomplishments is best realized in his...